New Cryptocurrency Wallet Launched With New Features by Global Denomination (GDN)
Global Denomination Latest News
The Global Denomination dev team have a lot of plans going forward and aim to be the leading X11 algorithm crypto currency that is “anti-anonymous” We believe there is no need for extra anonymous features and we also understand there is a need for regulation in some form to stop money laundering, fraud etc. As a “non-anonymous” crypto currency in the future Global Denomination will aim to comply with laws and regulations as they are made in as many countries as possible to make it easier for our users and merchants to comply.
New Wallet Design Released by Global Denomination
Global Denomination dev team is pleased to announce a fully redesigned Qt wallet is now available for all systems. Pre-Compiled Windows, Mac OSX and Linux wallets are available to be downloaded from http://globaldenomination.org. Please Note: This is not a mandatory update but you will be missing out on our new features. (Git Hub Source is also updated should you wish to compile yourself)
The new redesigned wallet is not only cosmetic, it also has many improvements and features added to your GDN wallet. Most notable of the features of this wallet update is the integrated IRC in the wallet and direct link to our social network CryptoConnecta.com. QR codes are now implemented across all of the precompiled builds and new Coin Control features added such as you can now see your inputs for each address and set a custom change address. The features do not stop there we also have Stats from the Global Denomination Network being displayed directly in the wallet and a link to our block explorer to search for transactions.
Other Global Denomination News
We have news on a few on-going projects since the launch of our dedicated Crypto Social Network http://CryptoConnecta.com we now have v1.8 of its Android App (On Google Play Store). We are planning to have our own GDN multipool setup very soon and we are also aiming to provide GDN branded USB Credit Cards so you can use your GDN wallet from anywhere. (Pre-orders are available now for Batch 1 limited quantity available)
Global Denomination (GDN) is currently traded on Poloniex and Bittrex, we still need your votes on exchanges such as Mintpal and Cryptsy, every vote helps!
Crypto Social Network CryptoConnecta: http://CryptoConnecta.com/
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