How to buy Bitcoin 2013 stuff ... with bitcoins, of course #Bitcoin2013
During the lunch hour at Bitcoin 2013, Tony Rousmaniere of Fairbanks, Alaska, walked up to the BitPay booth and asked to buy a few copies of Bitcoin Magazine. "We only take bitcoin," warned BitPay CEO Tony Gallippi. The transaction's first hurdle had arisen: Rousmaniere keeps his bitcoins on a USB drive, not in an online account that could be easily accessed with his smartphone. He considers going to the ATM being demo'd at the show to change dollars into bitcoins. Instead, a friend offers to pay for the magazine with his Coinbase account, telling Rousmaniere he can pay him back later.....
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Two machines for changing dollars to bitcoins were on the show floor at the Bitcoin 2013 show in San Jose, though only the machine from Lamassu Bitcoin Ventures was up and running when CoinDesk toured the expo. Lamassu's machine is a small, glossy white box about the size of a microwave oven, with a slot to accept bills, a screen and a camera that can read QR codes from a user's wallet app on a smartphone screen. Attendee Evan Rose fed two $20 bills into the machine and saw the bitcoins hit his digital wallet within seconds. "There goes my cab fare," he joked. "Convince your cab driver to....
What's the Bitcoin Fund? It's an investment fund in which every share costs one bitcoin ... and Anatoliy Knyazev, managing partner at the Bitcoin Fund, and Tim Enneking, chairman of Altima Asset Management were on hand at Bitcoin 2013 on Sunday to walk attendees through how it all works. Anatoliy Knyazev, managing partner, Bitcoin Fund. Investing in Bitcoin Fund has many advantages, Knyazev asserted. First, he said, it's easier to buy shares on the exchange than it is to buy bitcoins. Second, he added, the fund holds bitcoins in a highly secure manner, with sound cryptography and three....
Representatives from three non-profit organizations that accept donations in bitcoins say their groups' freedom- and peace-focused missions mesh with the Bitcoin ethos. The speakers shared their experience with the cryptocurrency during a panel discussion on Sunday at Bitcoin 2013 in San Jose. "For Fr33 Aid, we started acepting bitcoins in 2011, we posted our address online, but we didn't get our first donation until early 2012," said Teresa Warmke, treasurer of Fr33 Aid, a New Hampshire-based organization that works to "help individuals organize projects that educate people about the....
Bitcoin investor and evangelist Roger Ver -- "Bitcoin Jesus," some call him -- used bitcoins to buy his plane ticket from Tokyo, where he lives, to San Jose for Bitcoin 2013. He asked the parking lot attendant at the San Jose Convention Center if he could pay for his parking with bitcoins too (no dice). In fact, Ver pays for as much as he possibly can with the currency. He's invested more than a million dollars in it and holds his savings in it. And if all that is not enough, the man listens to the sounds of bitcoin transactions as background music as he goes about his day. Ver can truly....
Whenever he needs to pay for something, be it a stick of gum or a hotel room, investor and entrepreneur Roger Ver asks the same question: "Do you accept bitcoin?" In the brick and mortar world, the answer is usually no. But he says that merchants are open to the idea. "After they hear from me a couple of times, a lot of times they start accepting bitcoin," Ver said. Speaking at the Bitcoin 2013 conference in San Jose today, Ver exhorted an audience of mostly young men to do the same, and to evangelize for the digital currency to help it achieve mainstream use. "The vast majority of people....