A look inside KnCMiner, bitcoin mining's dark horse
Amid the loud grandstanding in the ASIC wars, one quiet player has been keeping its powder dry. KnCMiner, a joint venture between an IT consulting firm and a chip designer, recently opened up preorders for its bitcoin mining products. And this week, it announced increases in the performance specifications for its two units, increasing them to a maximum 200 and 400 Gg/s. Sam Cole, cofounder of the company, explains that it prefers to under promise and over deliver. CoinDesk spoke to him about the company's plans. KnCMiner was conceived in January 2012, when four year-old Swedish IT....
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Original Neptune announcement image. KnCMiner has previously received a lot of attention as the first "legitimate" Bitcoin ASIC manufacturer especially after the BFL fiasco, but has this once widely-touted company lost its touch and turned to the dark side? Editor's Note: KnCMiner's CMO, Nanok Bie, has reached out to CCN to clarify that no Neptunes are being used in their datacenter. Furthermore, he clarified that KnCMiner's 5% of total network hashrateincludes the hashratethat they sell in contracts; that is to say, KnCMiner makes less than $3.6 million USD a month from mining. He also....
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J-J's broken KnCMiner Super Jupiter. KnCMiner has started shipping a 3 TH/s Bitcoin mining box, the largest single Bitcoin ASIC miner in existence at the moment. The unfortunate part, though, is that none of these KnCMiner Super Jupiters arrived at their destination in one piece. KnCMiner has responded promptly on their forum, promising to ship new, properly constructed, units to affected customers, free of charge. KnCMiner also emphasized that customers needing to RMA their Super Jupiter would not have to pay return shipping on the existing $10,000 “machine” that was shipped to them; they....
KnCMiner, a Stockholm-based bitcoin mining hardware designer, has announced today the deployment of its home-designed 3D bitcoin mining 16-nanometer chip. The company said in a press release: Commenting on his company's latest achievement, KnCMiner's CEO Sam Cole, said: The 3D design improves the speed of the processors and dramatically increases energy efficiency, KnCMiner said, adding that "better efficiency results in even more environmentally friendly Bitcoin transaction processing." "Never before in history has this kind of technology seen the light of day. The move down to the 16....
Earlier today, KnCMiner updated their website to reveal a Litecoin Mining Hardware tab, right next to their Bitcoin Mining Hardware tab. Under the new tab, KnCMiner reveals information on their newest ASIC miner: The Titan. The Titan is a 100 MH/s Scrypt ASIC that is designed to be used on the Litecoin network. Of course, there are hundreds of other Scrypt-based altcoins that are clones of Litecoin with slightly modded parameters. The Titan can be used to mine on any of those altcoins as well. The Titan costs $9,995 to preorder and shipment is slated for Q2/Q3 of 2014. KnCMiner has also....