Bitstamp bitcoin trading volume overtakes leading exchange Mt. Gox for first time

Bitstamp bitcoin trading volume overtakes leading exchange Mt. Gox for first time

Mt. Gox has long been the leader of the bitcoin exchange market, but earlier this week Bitstamp revealed itself as a serious contender. On Monday (22nd July), 8,294.02 BTC were traded on Bitstamp, compared with 8,215.90 BTC on Mt. Gox. At several points since then, according to hourly data published on BitcoinCharts, Bitstamp has, again, overtaken Mt. Gox. Nejc Kodrič, CEO of Bitstamp, said: "This represents a milestone for us as well as recognition of our joint efforts. We will continue to improve and serve our clients to best of our capabilities," he added. Hourly bitcoin trading volumes....

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