ZipZap to Add Thousands of Cash-to-Bitcoin Locations in 2014
An official from financial services company ZipZap this past weekend noted at the Bitcoin Expo London that commencing in early 2014, they would be adding thousands of cash-to-bitcoin locations starting in January 2014. What that means is that consumers can go to about 25,000 different general stores in the United Kingdom and 240,000 stores in Russia and exchange fiat currency for bitcoin. This, of course, is only applicable to stores that do currency exchange and lottery tickets that are already connected and using ZipZap services. It should be noted that there are other countries in which....
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In late 2013, global cash network ZipZap announced they'd be adding thousands of locations across the United Kingdom from which customers could buy bitcoin. In total, there are about 28,000 locations in the country where customers can make this happen, but before they do so they must undergo a KYC (know your customer) and AML (anti-money laundering) check to make sure they're not known criminals or using bitcoin to launder funds. The merchants at this locations are responsible for collecting the customers' National Insurance Numbers or Social Security Numbers to be verified, according to....
It was with great excitement that ZipZap announced last year they would be adding thousands of cash-to-bitcoin locations in the United Kingdom - effectively allowing clients to purchase bitcoin at over 25,000 participating locations. Fast forward to the present time, and the program has come to a grinding halt. The company is currently not accepting cash for bitcoin in the country anymore, according to a report from CoinSpectator. The reason? "Ongoing" issues with PayPoint, the company that serves as ZipZap's payment processing backbone. PayPoint has asked ZipZap to stop accepting cash for....
Bitcoiners can now pay cash for bitcoins at 28,000 shops across the UK, thanks to a new service set up by ZipZap. The service enables people to head to their nearest ZipZap payment location, hand over cash and see bitcoins deposited in their wallets almost instantly. Currently available via Bittylicious, BuyBitcoin.sg and BIPS Market, the service will go live with ANXBTC and ANXPRO next week, followed by Kraken, CoinMKT and BTCX.se. Customers simply have to log into their accounts with one of these companies and select the cash payment option, they then choose the amount of bitcoins they....
Some better news for residents in the United Kingdom who might be looking to buy bitcoin. ZipZap announced on Tuesday that they're bringing their global cash transaction network back to 20,000 retail locations in the UK. The announcement come following a news item at the end of March in which we learned that the company would be halting the processing of digital currency transactions. The halt directly related to ZipZap's payment processor, PayPoint, and its desire to put the processing on hold until the legalities surrounding there digital currency transactions became clearer. Now, ZipZap....