Alternative Cryptocurrencies Thrive in Bitcoin's Shadow
David Sterry has been a bitcoin believer for years. He even founded a bitcoin startup. But when he heard that miner demand was causing monthlong backlogs on certain computer components, he realized it was a big, big moment - not for bitcoin, but for litecoin. The alternative cryptocurrency, created in October 2011 with a few tweaks to the Bitcoin protocol, has seen its value rise and fall in lockstep with bitcoin's. As bitcoin has risen in prominence and in price and become more difficult to mine, new miners have rushed into litecoin as the next best thing - and purchased just about every....
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So far, the auction held by The Shadow Brokers has collected 1.761 Bitcoin, which is next to nothing. The Shadow Brokers are attracting a lot of attention with their so-called NSA exploit kit auction. Although the group is demanding a price of 1 million Bitcoin, several of the bis which have been confirmed raise some questions. The US government obtained several thousand Bitcoin when shutting down Silk Road. What is preventing them from using this funds to win the auction? Hardly anyone will be surprised to hear the US government will do everything they can to prevent this NSA toolkit from....
Having failed to win big rewards for the stolen National Security Agency (NSA) hacking tools it auctioned last year, the Shadow Brokers hacking group is now trying to cash in on what credibility it might have left through a new monthly dumping service that accepts Zcash. The group has tried holding a public auction, a crowdfunding campaign and selling individual exploits. Shadow Brokers now wants to see if people will pay a monthly fee for a dump of exploits. They promised the following data and tools in mid-May: • Mobile handset tools and exploits • Compromised data from central banks and....