Ask Libertarian Film Makers about Bitcoin and the Media
Calvin Tran. Hello, I'm Calvin Tran, the media producer here at CCN. I'll be down in California this weekend to take part in the Foundation for Economic Education's Seminar: Big Ideas on the Big Screen. In conjunction with the Moving Picture Institute, this seminar will feature a variety of speakers and lectures, workshops and film makers from around the world. What's even better is that many of them, libertarians, will be familiar with Bitcoin. With the films Life on Bitcoin and The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin, which premieres tonight at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York City, the....
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The documentary "Bitcoin: The End of Money As We Know It" has been released this week and the film already garnered several awards. Last weekend, it was awarded the Best International Documentary and the Best Libertarian Theme during the Freedom Fest. It also won the 2015 Special Jury Prize at the Amsterdam Film Festival. The documentary was produced and written by Torsten Hoffman, and licensed by international broadcasters and media companies including Neflix, CCTV, Samsung Electronics, Virgin Media, LG Electronics, Sky Deutschland, Orange and minor broadcasters in 20 countries. Bitcoin....
BitLanders, formerly known as the Film Annex, is a social media site that pays its users in Bitcoin. It first came to my attention earlier this year when I was planning to write a profile on Roya Mahboob and Fereshteh Forough, co-founders of the Women's Annex (At the time, it was still named the Film Annex). The Film Annex was started in 2006 by Italian entrepreneur Francesco Rulli with the aims of providing film makers a site to promote their work and help fund their projects with a shared advertising model. This model would soon inspire Mahboob and Forough in 2012 when they founded the....
CoinDesk managing editor Emily Spaven interviews director Alex Winter ahead of the release of his new documentary film Deep Web. Libertarian ideals, crime and citizens' rights in the digital age - there are many themes running through Alex Winter's latest documentary film, Deep Web, but by far the greatest focus is the story of Ross Ulbricht and his involvement in the online drugs marketplace Silk Road. Winter, best known for his role as Bill Preston in the Bill and Ted franchise, has long since proved his worth on the other side of the lens, having sat in the director's chair on five....
Have a little over ten minutes to burn? You might be interested in catching Bitcoin: Buenos Aires, a short film covering the topic of bitcoin in Latin America, if you haven't already guessed by the title. Made over a three-day period, the film was shot back in early July of this year. This particular film became available late last month, and is produced by TheProtocol. TV. A tip to TheProtocol. TV is suggested for those viewing the film, even on video websites like YouTube and Vimeo. Tip TheProtocol. TV. I've just finished viewing the film and would say it's worth a watch - and since it's....
A bitcoin documentary film dubbed The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin is slated to make its debut this April at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York on the 23rd of April. Directed by Nicholas Mross, the film chronicles the digital currency that's taken the world by storm, from it's origins to incredible explosive growth first in April of last year, and later in November. The film features interviews with well-known entities in the bitcoin community including Gavin Andresen, Roger Ver, and more. Following the film's premiere at 5:30PM at SVA Theater 2, there will be a conversation with the film's....