Over $3.1 Billion Has Been Transacted Via Blockchain Web Wallet
Blockchain.info is setting all sorts of records lately. Most recently, the internet's most popular bitcoin-related web property announced they had surpassed 1.5 million web wallets. Now, according to the service's wallet page, over $3.1 billion worth of bitcoin has successfully been transacted using the Blockchain web wallet. Certainly an impressive milestone. Blockchain continues to grow, now with 1.69 million web wallets set up and between 25,000 - 30,000 transactions taking place using the service every day. And with Apple's recent decision to amend their App Store rules to not....
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The short article comes as somewhat of a correction and follow-up to a news report we published at the start of the month. Therein, we had reported that Blockchain.info web wallet users had transacted just over three billion dollars worth of bitcoin. We didn't just pull the information from thin air, though. It came from the site's own counter at blockchain.info/wallet (which we recognize is probably not an exact reflection of true figures but supplies an accurate projection). You'll probably be surprised to learn that the actual amount that's been transacted via the Blockchain.info web....
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