How To Maximize The Privilege Of Holding Bitcoin
Although Bitcoin appears to be infiltrating the mainstream, only those who understand it deeply will truly reap its benefits.Laurence Newman is the cofounder of Coinmama, a bitcoin exchange. Since this time last year, the number of wallets holding bitcoin has grown by a whopping 8 million, with this growth accounting for over 20% of all 38 million bitcoin wallets in existence. This adoption trend shows no signs of slowing down, as our news feeds continue to fill up with stories about institutional investors and Fortune 500 CEOs diving into Bitcoin. Both the statistics and the stories....
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*This article originally appeared at Bitcoin Not Bombs. With the media frenzy in full tilt after the closing of MtGox, there have been quite a few articles coming out declaring the death of bitcoin and an equal number reassuring us that it will be just fine. I won't link to the former ones because they're so painfully uninformed and rely on tired scare tactics. I have come across one article of a different vein, though, and it seeks to bring in thetoxic philosophy of privilege checking as a critique against the Bitcoin community. I could wax philosophic about the specific problems with the....