The Pirate Party in Stockholm opens up for donations in Bitcoin
Stockholm chapter of the Pirate Party today opened up for Bitcoin donations to the local campaign budget via the Swedish Bitcoin exchange office BTCX. The party hopes to raise additional money to their European election campaign while enhancing its profile on Internet related issues.
- We know that our core voters are familiar with, and committed to, Internet issues. The Pirate Party owns the global debate on Internet, where Bitcoin right now is on everyone’s tongue. It’s natural for the Pirate Party to evolve in this direction and open up for those who wish to make donations in Bitcoin, says Erik Lönroth, chairman of the Stockholm chapter of the Pirate Party.
BTCX, who makes sure the donations end up in the party chest as usual Swedish crowns, says that working with the Pirate Party is not about taking a political stand.
- We are delighted to be able to assist everyone who discovers the currency of the future. We hope that more political parties will follow, just give us a call, says BTCX Marketing manager Joakim Herlin.
The Pirate Party has established itself as a political party in the European Parliament since 2010 and are aiming for reelection. The Stockholm chapter now also runs for local office in Stockholm this summer.
- The money raised from Bitcoin donations hopefully will suffice for taking us into office here in Stockholm too. It is important to give Stockholm residents a voice in the world and we are already that voice. The Pirate Party has established itself, grown and matured on all fronts. We are everywhere, says Erik Lönroth.
The Pirate Party does not receive the large public subsidies that other parties in Sweden get to finance election campaigns. Erik Lönroth points out that it is also possible to donate to the party in other currencies than Bitcoin.
The Pirate Party: http://piratpartiet.se/
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