BitFury and Georgian Co-Investment Fund Start Bitcoin Fundraising to Help Flood Victims in Tbilisi, Georgia
BitFury and the Georgian Co-Investment Fund partnered up to support Tbilisi, Georgia flood victims.
According to the official reports, the severe flooding killed at least 12 people, swept away buildings and cars, damaged roads, caused deaths of hundreds of local Zoo animals. 24 people are still missing, dozens are left homeless.
The CEO of BitFury Group, Mr. Valery Vavilov said: “Our deepest condolences go to the families of those who suffered as a result of devastating flooding in Tbilisi, on June 13-14. On behalf of BitFury we would like to donate bitcoins to support the victims and also enable everyone willing to help from all over the world to make donations. In partnership with Georgian Co-Investment Fund we opened a joint bitcoin wallet where bitcoin donations are now accepted.”
The CEO of Georgian Co-Investment Fund, Mr. George Bachiashvili said: “In these moments of deep sorrow, our thoughts are with those affected by disastrous flooding in Tbilisi. Georgian Co-Investment Fund together with BitFury Group will raise money in bitcoins, giving an opportunity for the bitcoin community to support flood victims. We hope that our joint fundraising campaign will provide some disaster relief to the survivors.”
Please donate bitcoins at the following wallet address or by using QR code below:
Wallet address: 1LkTTA9z3isp7j5yPV691rgkk3N1QfdSsD
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