EMART Energy 2016 to host the first European Energy Trade over the Blockchain

EMART Energy 2016 to host the first European Energy Trade over the Blockchain

EMART Energy 2016 to host the first European Energy Trade over the Blockchain.

We are proud to announce the first European energy trades over the blockchain is taking place during EMART Energy 2016.  The trades will be done by Yuso and Priogen Trading – a unique moment featuring one of the new technologies arising from innovation in trading.

The blockchain technology is an innovative way to perform transactions peer-to-peer. Both traders used the Enerchain trading tool, developed by PONTON.

Enerchain allows to anonymously send orders though a trading screen. Counterparties use Enerchain to click on this order on screen to conclude a transaction – all done “peer-to-peer” without a marketplace operated by a third party. The tool supports energy products like day-ahead, monthly, quarterly and yearly baseload for power and gas. As a result, an EFET trade confirmation is created that can be uploaded to the EFETnet eCM confirmation matching service.

Find out more on Enerchain here: http://enerchain.ponton.de/

Please join us on November 4 in Amsterdam to be part of this unique moment in the history of energy trading.

For more information, please visit: http://www.emart-energy.com/

Bart Pycke from Yuso says:

“Yuso is excited to conclude the first European energy trade over the blockchain.  We believe the blockchain technology holds great promise to improve the functioning of the  short-term power markets. Our trade on the Enerchain platform demonstrates how the technology can be used today and we look forward to work with interested industry peers to further validate the use of this technology in our industry.”

Bart de Brouwer of Priogen:

“Priogen is enthusiastic to facilitate the first European blockchain trade. We believe the blockchain technology can be a massive accelerator of the energy transition. The technology lowers the entry barriers, opening up electricity marketplaces to more participants and their potential energy flexibility.”


“We are very proud EMART Energy 2016 will be the platform to host this innovative technology. A clear sign the market is ready to adapt new technologies in preparation for the energy transition the market is facing, a new kind of thinking will be required from the market".


“Blockchain technology is a new way to create disruptive software applications and business models. After having experienced heavy marketing buzz from the FinTech and energy sectors, PONTON decided to develop an own tool in Summer 2016 that practically shows the power of the blockchain by creating a marketplace that does not require a physically centralised platform. Enerchain demonstrates what can be expected for the future in related areas of energy trading: P2P wholesale trading, C2C trading in the microgrid, synchronising grid management processes between TSOs and DSOs are only first cases for us".

EMART Energy: http://www.emart-energy.com/blockchain/

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